Weekly Workouts–Highlights and Lowlights

Lately on the blog I think I’ve been focusing more on food (specifically food from our garden :)) and less on fitness.  In case you think I have fallen off the exercise wagon, here’s what my week looked like in terms of workouts:

Saturday: Kayaking- 2 hours
Sunday: Biking- 1 hour
Monday: Running- 30 minutes
Tuesday: Weights- 30 minutes (Jillian Michaels’ Ripped in 30)
Wednesday: Running/Walking- 20 minutes
Thursday: Free Weights- 30 minutes, Walking-30 minutes
Friday: Rest

The Lowlight:
<Warning: I am about to whine.>  My quad is still bothering me when I run as a result of that softball game a few weeks ago.  I have not attempted any sort of speed work or distance since then, but about 15 minutes into every (slow) run, that quad tightens up like crazy, and I have to stop to stretch (which doesn’t completely relieve it, but it helps for a few minutes.)  Then, as soon as I started running Wednesday, my knee began to hurt.  I kept it slow and allowed myself to walk, but ended up cutting it way short because of the pain.  I have no idea what that’s about!  I haven’t had knee problems in years, and I’m a very frustrated with it. :-/

The Highlight:
Kayaking was a blast last weekend!  As I’ve said before, I love getting a workout from outdoor, physical activities that aren’t specifically workouts–kayaking, hiking, playing tennis, etc.  I love taking a break from the usual workout routine on the weekends to make room for just playing.  Kayaking gives you a cardiovascular workout without using your legs (well, you use them some for stabilization, but your arms are doing most of the work),  which makes it great for people who are, say, having knee issues from running.

And, because fitness and food go hand-in-hand when it comes to wellness (and because I am in the weird habit of taking pictures of my dinners), here’s our super lazy dinner from last night:  Grilled burger patties (made with lean ground beef), steamed broccoli, and Alexia baked oven fries.


Pretty tasty 🙂

What was your workout highlight or lowlight from the week?

6 thoughts on “Weekly Workouts–Highlights and Lowlights

  1. Well I am proud that I got through 21 days of Insanity the month of June, and with my lunch time swims/walks/runs I’ve worked out 23.75 hours for the month of June – I think that’s a record for me!

  2. I know the injury is annoying, and that it can take a long time to recover from certain injuries. but it`s really great that you can get your exercise in other ways too. Reminds me that I must start swimming again.

  3. I LOVE kayaking! I wish I was able to do it whenever I wanted to! I haven’t prioritized that sport, but as soon as I can, I will! It’s so much fun and it’s such a cool way to enjoy the water. 🙂 I’m sorry to hear about your quad – that kind of pain is NO good. Love your blog, way too cute for words!! I’ll just have to keep up so I can live vicariously through you when you go kayaking.

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