Fresh Salsa, Drying Herbs, & What Happens When You Grill Turkey Dogs

There are a few things I want to write about this morning, but none of them warrant an entire post, which means this post is extremely random (as you may have guessed from the title.)  You’ve been warned. 🙂

1. Grilling Turkey Dogs–on Monday night, we cooked dinner on the grill.  While evaluating our options at Trader Joe’s earlier that day, we decided on turkey dogs, rather than all-beef dogs, like usual.  I don’t know why, and I regret the decision for this reason:



Appetizing, huh? 😉  On a positive note, we also grilled zucchini, and it turned out perfectly!


Zucchini is not my favorite vegetable, so I made a dipping oil to go with it: olive oil + basil, thyme, and oregano from the garden + garlic powder + salt and pepper.  Delicious.  And speaking of herbs from the garden…

2. Drying Herbs–We currently have more herbs growing in the back yard than we can use fresh (though we have been using them often,) so we have started drying them to store for later use.  Last night while I was working on the computer, Andrew said he was going to hang some more herbs.  Twenty minutes later I turned around to see this happening in the kitchen:

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He may have gotten a bit carried away.  Anyone need some herbs? 😉

Speaking of things we’ve picked from the garden, we harvested one small, beautiful strawberry on Saturday morning:



We had a few more turning red, but they have since been eaten by an animal (or possibly a neighbor.  We aren’t sure which 😉 )

3. Fresh Salsa–Last night (pre herb-drying,) Andrew and I made tacos and fresh salsa, the way my college roommates and I make it, minus the onion:

-6 Roma tomatoes
-2 Large cloves of garlic
-1/4 Jalepeno
-Juice of 1/2 lime
-A few sprigs of cilantro
-Salt & pepper

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I found the most beautiful organic Roma tomatoes I’d ever seen at Kroger–bright red and unblemished.  Unfortunately, they did not look equally wonderful on the inside.  Still, the salsa was very tasty.


And there you have it:  a 100% random post 🙂

Have you ever tried grilling turkey dogs?  How did they turn out?

Any advice for keeping critters off the strawberries?


3 thoughts on “Fresh Salsa, Drying Herbs, & What Happens When You Grill Turkey Dogs

  1. I never in a million years would have thought a turkey dog would shrivel up like that – weird! We don’t have a garden because the animals ate it all before we got to it – we tried everything to no avail. 😦

    • The turkey dogs shriveling was the weirdest thing!!
      The only thing in our garden that seems to temp the animals are the strawberries. Last year we grew tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, and they were all fine! I put some netting over the strawberry plants yesterday… I’m hoping that will be enough to keep out the birds!

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